BSA Flow Software for LDA and PDA

BSA Flow Software – main package and add ons

BSA Flow Software is the Windows software package dedicated Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) measurement. In combination with Dantec Dynamics’ LDA processors and optical LDA systems, they provide integrated flexible and easy-to-use solutions for all LDA fluids experiments.
With the Particle Sizing add-on the BSA Flow Software package can also be used in connection with Particle Dynamics Analysis (PDA).

Infos / Datasheet

The software is modular, so system functionality can be configured to meet present requirements and extended as needs develop.

The products currently available are:

  • BSA Flow Software (main package)
  • Particle sizing (Add-on)
  • Advanced graphics (Add-on)
  • Advanced traverse (Add-on)
  • Tecplot Data Loader
  • Calculation and MATLAB® link (Add-on)
  • Cyclic Phenomena (Add-on)
  • Spectrum/Correlation (Add-on)
  • LIF and Parametric Analysis (Add-on)

BSA Flow Software features:

  • End-results on-line
  • Wizards for quick system set-up
  • Integrated measurement interface
  • Project-explorer
  • On-line Doppler burst monitor

Integrated measurement user-interface
A key element in BSA Flow Software is its integrated user-interface. This enables the user to control the set-up of all instrumentation in the LDA system, data acquisition and data-analysis options, making LDA experiments straightforward and flexible.

Fast access to data with the project explorer
Analysis sequences for the experiment are visually presented by the project explorer. The project explorer consists of linked object icons that provide intuitive traceability as well as an experimental log. Objects are events which generate or present data – e.g. data sources (signal processors or imported data), statistical calculations, spectrum or correlation calculations, sorting cyclic data into phase angles, phase averaging, data plots, data lists and data export. The objects are visualised as icons and selected from context-sensitive dialogues.

Wizards for quick system set-up
The set-ups wizard’s step-by-step procedures simplify and accelerate the set-up of parameters in common LDA applications.
Wizards are available for:

  • Traverse mesh generation, to optimise mesh density and system set-up for the flow conditions
  • System configuration, including LDA optics, processors, traverse and optional hardware
  • Processor set-up to suit expected flow velocities

Calculation and MATLAB® link
Analysis of LDA or PDA data by algorithms other than those included with the BSA Flow software no longer requires time-consuming data export to and import from another software package. With the Calculation and MATLAB Link add-on, the user can integrate self-developed data analysis algorithms into BSA Flow and get on-line results. The overall efficiency in conducting experiments can be increased because data analysis takes place while the experiment is still running, so that immediate action can be taken in case of unsatisfactory results.

Tecplot data loader
The BSA Flow data loader is a simple but powerful add-on to Tecplot that gives the user direct access to project files created by the BSA Flow software package, elimination the need to export data. Data is loaded directly from inside Tecplot using pop-up windows with the familiar BSA Flow design. The loader also allows individual accommodation of the data and execution of macros during loading.

Particle sizing
The BSA Flow software combined with the Particle sizing add-on and additional hardware, allows the user to upgrade an LDA system to a Particle Dynamics Analysis (PDA) system.

Standard Dantec Dynamics traverses are supported and a generic traverse driver makes it possible to control other traverse systems. Complex traverse meshes can be generated using the traverse mesh wizard. The flow region can be divided into any number of sub-regions, each with its own associated traverse mesh and instrumentation setup. This allows adaptation of the measurement spatial resolution to the conditions in different parts of the flow field. Result data can be exported for further post-processing or presentation using third-party software or for comparison with CFD results.